On Wednesday I hit my half way mark!! Isn't that crazy?? I thought so! We went to UDF for a peanut butter shake to celebrate! You seriously haven't had ice cream until you've gotten it at a gas station parlor! ;)
This was a miraculous record breaking week!! It was so cool to be apart of! President Porter recently attended a mission presidents seminar in Palmyra. Elder Holland taught them... yeah im jealous... and he said "What do you DARE promise you missionaries??" Because President holds the keys over this mission, he speaks for God. What he says by the spirit will come true if us missionaries are true and faithful. President and Sister Porter prayed and fasted. **This years baptismal goal is 720. and we are about 300 shy... with less than 2 months til the end of the year. The ONLY way we can meet this goal is by baptizing families. and we will do it. Plus when missionaries baptize only one member of a family the statistics are very high they will go inactive.**
He promised us that IF we go through all our formers and work the lists then we would find a family and put someone on date by the end of the week. It was AMAZING to hear all the miracles called in as area after area found families and put people on date! IF we listen and trust our Key holders, we will be blessed and miracles will rain down.
This area in the past has Really struggled with find investigators and with the cold weather it is more difficult to talk to people cause they hide inside (sissies ;) But God took over this week and out 14 new investigators in our path.... which 7xs the average. and we found 2 families and putsomeone on date!With any good comes the bad.... side effects of success are HARD!!!! ha ha! Satan was on us hardcore between finding people to teach. We were pushing through mud. I had to sit back and realize that God wouldn't have blessed us with success unless he knew we could handle all the gunk that comes with it. It was rough-- the inner hurts are much more difficult to heal then physical ones. Siter Corbridge and I worked through a lot--- everything seemed to hit at once. lots of change but we learned SO much.
One experience I really enjoyed this week was on exchanges with a newly arrived Sister McClaws (LOVE HER!) Every single name on my planner was not home. We didn't talk to anybody ALL DAY. It was super interesting... especially because Im supposed to do all I can to make things happen and see miracles and have an AWESOME day on exchanges.... soo it came to a point where I REALLY needed to use the restroom.... like painfully. and No. One. would answer their door!! We were getting desperate. I looked for the closest home with lots of cars outside and knocked. A man was on the phone and didn't hear.... I knock again.... HE answered!!! and we got 2 new investigators that are sisters.... and then we walk outside and see a couple.... 2 new investigators... yeah. When things get painfully difficult expect MIRACLES!
I love you all!! Listen to your key holders and blessings will come.
Sister Watts
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