I have not had such a spiritually charged week in.... ever. It seems like its been weeks since I have written! We enjoyed two training at the mission home, an exchange and lots of miracles!
My most exciting news is Lorin. God has orchestrated this beautiful experience- It testifies of His love and how this HIS work. also how He can work through weak and simple people.
While on exchanges I was with another Sister and we were sitting in the car discussing he emotional state before contacting a former investigator when we saw a woman approaching the car. I kinda freaked out inside cause ive been chewed out before for parking in front of someone's house. SHe knocks and I open the door-- The woman asked if we were lost and somehow as the spirit literally compelled me out of the car- We began discussing the gospel. She ushered us into her home to speak to her "non-believing" sister. We met Lorin. I was pretty stoked out of my mind as all this was happening-- but as soon as she spelled her name I knew she was sent from God. Lorin. My family name. I was crushed when she cancelled her return appointment. The spirit would not let her name leave my mind. This week we were out with a member and our appointment fell through (go figure) and Lorin's name came to my mind! We visited. She was home and we spent the next hour and a half teaching her and her family about the restoration. She has had a complete turn around this week- we taught three powerful lessons and she came to church!!!!! Gospel Principles was on Exaltation.... and all things temple and celestial and how we can become Gods..... yeah..... SHE LOVED IT!! She said it was something she wants to work towards....(jaw drop). Lorin is 19 years old and pregnant with a deep desire to be a good mother. It is crazy she is a year younger than me and has had so many tough experiences.... like.... REALLY tough. She is so prepared- you should hear her questions!! GAH! The deepest thinker I have ever taught. She is on date to be baptized December 20th.
With such a solid investigator Satan has been worked doubletime on Sister Corbridge and I. Lorin is really good at seeing Satan's hand and won't give him the time of day so he had focused on us hardcore-- Really hard week emotionally. So grateful for such awesome meetings to give us some spiritual juices ;)
Some thoughts....
This time in earth's history has been prophecied of and looked to since the formation of the world. We are called to lead a life of crisis. A life where wach day We must call on the Lord for his grace or our families will fall. God has trusted us with this time and has prepared us to be successful. He will send things to refine you- Because Heavenly Father. Loves. You. Think to Him. Repent everyday. Recognize weaknesses and give glory to God for them. Live passionately. Control your thoughts- your command center and cast out Satan's garbage. Life is precious. A time to prepare to meet our Father. Do not minimize the commitments you have made through your covenants. It minimizes the capacity of God's involvement in your life.
I know God is real. He is aware. When we are fighting God's cause, we will never loose. I love you dearly. Hold to the rod.
Sister Watts
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