Monday, October 6, 2014

What a Wonderful Life!


I am filled with joy from your emails. I love to read them. The spirit is strong whenever I do so. Heavenly Father always tells me how well you are doing and that HE is taking care of you. 

This week was beautiful. Autumn has come! The leaves are falling- We jog a little faster on our way to the gym. Autumn sure is snuggly weather aint it? 

We had Leadership Council this week... and interviews.... and District Meeting... and exchanges... and general Conference. It sure was a revelatory experience. The Lord has taught me so much warm and fuzzy, ponder-extracting things.... I have been humbled by the many tender mercies God has placed before me. 

It sounds crazy but I have been more at peace as a Sister Training Leader than my whole mission. It is because I have come to know I cannot/ do not have the ability to do what God has asked of me. I have used the Atonement. It has changed me and increased my capacity and filled in the gaps. made me whole. ONLY when I allow Christ to take over do I have Power. D&C 105:14- when we are working for Him- His eternal work- he will fight our battles.

Gospel Doctrine makes sense. It feels good. "The word of god... healeth the wounded soul.." Jacob 2:8. 
I have learned---

1. The Comforter, Holy Ghost, cannot comfort you if you are comfortable.
2. We may have rest in Him while living, no need to wait til death. 
3. It doesn't matter where we spiritually are at the present, it matters which direction we are heading.
4. Success is not in the acceptance, it is in the invitation.
5. If you can see God working in your life, gators and loved ones- The Lord accepts you.
6. The objective is not to be in Heaven. It is to be LIKE Him in Heaven, sealed as families. It is our condition not our presence that matters. He wants us there and he has given us the tools to get there.
7. Those who go in-active after Mission did not learn/understand the Doctrine of Christ.
8. A covenant is an expression of Love- It says not only do I want you back, I want you different.
9. The objective of the Human Family- to claim every soul as God's. To be sealed together as ONE family.

Had a wonderful time watching conference. (i felt like all the talks were SUPER BOLD!! Yeah Yeah Chocolate Cake!!) We went to a different members home for each session. Mac and Kim came over to Bishops last night-- Mac bore his testimony of prayer. He has tried in the past to stop smoking but it never last-- tried every gimmick in the book. BUT He says the only thing that really helps is prayer. Which is a miracle. He wouldn't pray when we first started to teach him. He is a new creature through the Atonement of Christ. They have decided to bump up their baptism to the 18th. 4 baptisms in a day sounds like heaven to me. They expressed to us that the whole reason why they wanted to investigate in the first place is the promise of an eternal family. OH!! and we skinned a rabbit with them this week... took a video in hopes to share the love ;) haha!

Dad asked "What does Humility motivate me to do?" Which is a good question for this week I just had... Leadership Council was very humbling. The spirit was present- Everyone was being taught individually by the Holy Ghost. Revelation overload. I was fighting against discouragement... I was a bit overwhelmed. I guess I hadn't determined what affect that had on me but in retrospect Humility brings me power. For i Turn to God. I turn to the source of peace and comfort. It motivates me to push harder, to work even when i really dont want to. 

I love you my eternal family. I am grateful for you in my life. Remember Elder Scotts counsel-- Its in the basics where we are endowed with power. EVERY DAY-- Morning/evening prayers. Scripture study (no more excuses). Weekly Family Home Evening. I so wish you could see how blessed from God you are to have a home filled with love. So many homes are strewn with abuse, negativity, drugs. Cleave unto God. Stay in the boat dear ones. but seriously. do it. ALL the answers are found in the gospel. I say this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ , Amen.

Sister Watts
 Family Home Evening with Empty Nesters.....

Highlight of the Week! I really want to go weekly! SO FUN! Rosemary in the wheelchair is my favorite! They have a couple who is in charge (called as Mom and Dad) they all call them mom and dad!

 Mac, Sister Harding and little rabbit foo foo.

Squid head... at the Robinettes for Conference.
ya...that's me!

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